Taijiquan - literally means "fist of the Great Reach." This is the internal martial art…

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Your martial art and its realism
When we talk about a fight in the original sense of the word, we do…

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Taijutsu is a Japanese melee system without the use of weapons, as well as the…

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The history of martial arts Self-defense Without Weapons, better known to everyone as sambo, dates back to the 1920s and is the product of the combination of the three systems.

The first was “SAM”, based on the techniques of ju-jitsu. Receptions of oriental masters were optimized for the needs of Ugra agents V. Spiridonov.

The second system that entered the martial art of sambo was the development of the NKVD. It was a combination of English and French boxes, American wrestling, Finnish knife and stick handling techniques. Developed the system Oznobishin N.N.

The third system was developed by V.S. Oshchepkov, who mastered the martial art of judo in Tokyo “Kodokan.” The system was built on the basis of judo and supplemented by national characteristics of various types of struggle of the peoples of the Union republics.

During the years of repression, in the course of the struggle against the class enemy, sambo was legally defined as a freestyle. In this case, the use of weapons and pain techniques was not provided. It was a sports sambo. In combat, strikes, painful techniques and strangulation could be used.

Basic principles of sambo
The meaningfulness of the battle implies the right choice of strategy and tactics.

Transitions from one move to another, which are more consistent with the situation and contribute to the victory over the enemy.

Saving energy does not focus on brute force, but on mastery of the technique.

Classification of receptions into groups. As a result, there is no need to study techniques, as they say, for all occasions. This allows you to improvise during the battle.

Anatomical principle. A fighter masters knowledge of the work of muscles and joints.

In Soviet times, sambo was increasingly divided into combat and

sports. The main emphasis of propaganda was on sports. Combat Sambo was not very common. He was paid attention only to law enforcement and intelligence agencies. There was much debate about the use of various techniques from other martial arts in sambo. Everything depended on the task and the degree of danger.

As a result of political and other actions, combat sambo for a long time remained underground, and there was a time when it was even on the verge of extinction. But he still managed to defeat the political machine of the Soviet Union. Currently, interest in combat sambo is reviving again

Sambo receptions
Initially, the following groups of actions were included in protection methods:

– Booster hands and feet, heads;

– the use of levers lying and standing;

– inversion of the head, arms and legs;

– unbalance;

– painful techniques and strangulation;

– various types of strokes;

– a combination of techniques.

Sports sambo was deprived of twists, taps and punches, but it is still suitable for self-defense.

The rules of modern sports sambo
In sports sambo, separation is provided by weight categories, as well as by gender and age. The winner is identified by the point system, which is awarded for deductions and throws. The time of the fight lasts from 3 to 5 minutes. Only net time is taken into account. Used painful techniques, deductions and throws.

Early victory is possible in the following cases:

– holding a painful reception that will force the opponent to give up;

– throwing an opponent on the back, while it is necessary to stay in the rack;

– achievement of a difference in points of 12 points.

The rules also govern the following type of clothing – short shorts, a belt and special jackets, wrestlers. The colors used are blue and red. Red color is awarded to one of the rivals, who was first announced for release.

The history of martial arts Self-defense Without Weapons, better known to everyone as sambo, dates back to the 1920s and is the product of the combination of the three systems.

The first was “SAM”, based on the techniques of ju-jitsu. Receptions of oriental masters were optimized for the needs of Ugra agents V. Spiridonov.

The second system that entered the martial art of sambo was the development of the NKVD. It was a combination of English and French boxes, American wrestling, Finnish knife and stick handling techniques. Developed the system Oznobishin N.N.

The third system was developed by V.S. Oshchepkov, who mastered the martial art of judo in Tokyo “Kodokan.” The system was built on the basis of judo and supplemented by national characteristics of various types of struggle of the peoples of the Union republics.

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Judo is a fairly new Japanese martial art, created at the end of the 19th…


Your martial art and its realism
When we talk about a fight in the original sense of the word, we do…


Taijutsu is a Japanese melee system without the use of weapons, as well as the…
