Yi Quan
Yi Quan is one of China's martial arts, which is also well known as the…

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Ashihara-karate uses scientific logic based on natural rationalism and the elimination of all unnecessary things.…

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There is evidence that the secret ninja clans in Japan began their history in the…

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Why engage in hand-to-hand combat

It’s no secret that each of us wants to have iron health, a beautiful athletic figure, a stable psyche. In our age of high technology and frantic life dynamics, the health problem is very acute, especially in cities. Poor ecology, lack of exercise, constant stress make people old people long before retirement age. And now absolutely any person can become a victim of an attack by the scum of society on the street. But, having in its arsenal several elementary punches with arms and legs connected in ligaments, one can adequately get out of this situation. True, even the simplest fighting technique must be worked out to automatism. A person who first touches the secrets of martial arts immediately has questions: “What kind of punches does the author have in mind and why does he call them elementary? And what kind of technique is this? Can I also learn to protect myself and my loved ones and what needs to be done ? ” This is what will be discussed later.

Firstly, why all this is necessary. Indeed, it would seem that I bought some gas spray or electroshock and live in peace. However, by and large, very few have any means of self-defense with them, especially since they are able to use them correctly. And you will not use a gas spray, say, in public transport. In addition, a person with experience in such things simply will not let you get it out of your pocket, there are such tricks. And the problem of hypodynamia and the struggle with endless stresses can hardly be solved by a gas spray. But hand-to-hand fighting skills are always with you, they help in many life situations, at first glance completely unrelated to the fight. You yourself may never need the tricks themselves, but self-confidence, immunity to stress and life’s turmoil, iron health; All this gradually manifests itself in training and helps in any life situations. Hand-to-hand fighting will help you develop qualities such as will and determination, to qualitatively change your character.

Secondly, to whom it is available. Many people understand that their physical form, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired, that health is also not very good, and eternal enemies are drafts and damp weather, which are gradually shaking it. But very few people take it upon themselves, remember how many of your friends do at least exercise in the morning? So it turns out that we ourselves are the main enemies of our health, no one forces us, we, through our way of life, turn ourselves into old people. This is the second time I have used this phrase, now I will explain why. Referring to the book of Anatoly Taras “Fighting vehicle” (p. 395) I’ll say that the human body is structured in such a way that up to 65 – 70 years of age there are no significant changes in the metabolism. And if you regularly train, then you can remain a healthy person and formidable fighter until a very old age (a large number of examples are known). The only thing is that over the years you need to spend a little more time on warming up the joints. And that’s it !!! Now let’s look at ourselves from the side. Are you satisfied with your well-being, your figure, your character? If necessary, can you protect yourself and your loved ones on the street? Are you satisfied with life itself? If the answer to most of the questions is no, don’t worry, you just have to do something. If you really want to change yourself, it will certainly work out, you just really need to. Alas, one desire is not enough, you need to regularly work hard, really give all the best in training. You need to give up empty time, instead of stupidly watching cheap TV shows to train, go to bed earlier, get up earlier and start the day with morning training (30 minutes – 1.5 hours). Over time, you should try to give up smoking and alcohol, then the effect of training will be maximum. And it doesn’t matter how old you are: fifteen, twenty three or fifty, the main thing is that there is a firm intention to change yourself, to fill your life with deep meaning. And materials that will help you take the first steps in this direction, you will find on this site.

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