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Iaido is a special art of unexpected abrupt attack or counterattack with the use of the Japanese Katan sword. Iaido does not study sword fencing, but only instant killing an opponent with an originally hidden blade. “Instant kill” is the ability to quickly draw a sword to strike, in case of danger. There is no protection in this martial art, as in kendo: a helmet, a protective vest and gloves.

The forerunner of this martial art was Iaijutsu, which was taught to all samurai. There were 2 main ideas in this discipline. The student had to train with a real sword, not being afraid to injure his opponent or mentor. Also, the student had to learn to act instantly in situations where it was necessary to abruptly go on the attack or defense without using a sword. Therefore, Iaijutsu can be seen as an addition to the art of swordsmanship.

Now, in our time, sword fencing is no longer used in real life and is studied by a fairly small number of kenjutsu lovers. Among these people, several groups can be distinguished. The former train in training to effectively get the sword out of the scabbard, others see this art as an opportunity to comprehend themselves and their bodies, and the sword plays only an additional role in this process of self-knowledge. While practicing iaido, everyone can determine what is the main thing for him in this art.

Iaido martial art Iaido is translated from Japanese as a way to instantly strike with a sword, quickly neutralize an opponent and return the sword to its scabbard. The student iaido must control first of all himself, and not the enemy. When studying this discipline, the student trains in the battles he imagines with an opponent who is virtually nonexistent. In the arsenal of training tools there are exercises that allow you to hit both one and several opponents, engage in hand-to-hand combat with rivals using a special sword for training. Each battle is fought with a battle sword originally sheathed. The main qualities required in iaido are the ability to fully concentrate, as well as a good imagination. To win the battle, you must constantly maintain the correct position of the body, make the necessary movements, make good use of secret tricks to capture the hilt of the sword, and also aim the blows.

The student is trained in various options for the battle, which begins with a sharp attack, where movements occur faster than any enemy actions. Each movement has its own meaning, the techniques used in battle are simple, but all their strength is necessary in training, not only physical but also mental. Over a centuries-old history, iaido has been passed down many times from generation to generation, practically unchanging in the main thing – those who know iaido can reject the attack and unexpectedly attack first.

The Musho Jikiden Eishin style is one of the most popular Iaido styles in Japan. It was founded in the 16th century by Hayazizaki Dzinsuke Minamoto-no Shigenobu, who is considered to be the founder and the entire iaido. There are many legends and stories about his life, but not much is known of actual events about him. His life is enveloped in many secrets and legends, not much is known for certain. He grew up in a difficult environment of feudal strife. As a child, having moved to Yamagata County, he began to study various martial arts. Having embarked on the path of physical and spiritual perfection, Hayazizaki tried by meditation and prayer to create the most effective method of using the katana sword in battle. Throughout his life, he created a fighting style of using a katana called “simmei muso ryu” (“divinely inspired, unrivaled”). The Iaido created by Hiyazizaki was distributed under various names. His style became the basis for the two most popular styles, now known to all as Eishin Ryu and Muso Shinden Ryu. Since the 16th century, for hundreds of years, Iaido has undergone changes, formed new trends thanks to various mentors teaching their students. But, taking into account the emergence of various techniques and tactics, Eishin Ryu is a stable, unchanging base that ensured the development of Iaido from the Middle Ages to the present day.

Now more than ten recognized teachers, not only at home, but around the world, continue to improve teaching in the style of Eishin Ryu-Iaijutsu and the style of Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido. Today, even in one direction, there is disagreement over its head, but fans of this martial art have every opportunity to train with world-famous Japanese teachers.

Iaido training In the 70s of the last century, after a long break in the USSR, the schools of ju-jitsu, kobudo and iaijutsu began to open again. In the USSR, accreditation of the first representative office of Japanese organizations teaching the art of Iaijutsu and Iaido was obtained. Later, this accreditation was confirmed in 2009, when Iaijutsu and Iaido received a second life in Russia.

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