French boxing - Savat
French boxing - Savat. Savat - this box is of French origin, it uses both…

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Kuresh is a traditional sports struggle of the Turkic peoples, which is carried out as…

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Kuresh is a traditional sports struggle of the Turkic peoples, which is carried out as…

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melee weapons


Fencing is a system of possession of hand cold steel, used during hand-to-hand combat, based on the developed technique of striking and repelling blows. In addition, this is the battle with the use of edged weapons, which can take place both in real conditions, and in sports, training, etc.

Combat fencing is based on the possession of melee weapons used in real combat conditions – a sword, sword, knife, etc. Fencing training was conducted even by soldiers and gladiators in ancient Rome. In ancient Greece, fencing was taught to children from an early age. During the Middle Ages, the art of fencing was one of the main in the training of a nobleman. Initially, fencing on swords used shields, and then daggers. Now, in our time, fencing from martial art has turned into a sporting event.

Fencing can be divided into several groups according to their field of application. This is combat fencing, designed to prepare a warrior for real battles, sports fencing, which can include para-Olympic wheelchair Continue reading

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Iaido is a special art of unexpected abrupt attack or counterattack with the use of…


Judo is a fairly new Japanese martial art, created at the end of the 19th…


The roots of this sport stretch from the not-so-distant 60-70s of the XX century. Homeland…
