Ashihara-karate uses scientific logic based on natural rationalism and the elimination of all unnecessary things.…

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Karate - Japanese martial arts, which came to the country from the island of Okinawa,…

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Yi Quan
Yi Quan is one of China's martial arts, which is also well known as the…

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historical factor


There is evidence that the secret ninja clans in Japan began their history in the 9-12th centuries, along with the formation of the samurai class. Their predecessors can be considered the hermits of the Yamabushi, who already in the 8th century lived in the mountains, professing one of the directions of Buddhism. These hermits were engaged in hard training, preached complete unity with nature, and in addition, they collected and stored various information from various sciences – chemistry, medicine, etc. Initially, secret ninjutsu societies were not connected in any way with military affairs, but after a certain time significant changes took place .

Ninjutsu itself is believed to be based on Chinese sources. But the very concept of “ninjutsu” includes only a small part of the art of ninjutsu – hiding, creating and creating an atmosphere of secrecy. The task of the ninja was to introduce enemies, carry out certain subversive works or commit murder, after which the ninja had to return after a successful operation.

Usually, ninjas hired feudal lords of various levels as mercenary spies, terrorists, murderers, and saboteurs, ready to pay a certain amount of money for the work of specialists. The ninja structure consisted of close-knit families united Continue reading


Freestyle wrestling is a kind of martial arts of two athletes using various technical techniques, such as capture, throw, flip, step, sweep and others. The main task of each of the rivals is to achieve victory by putting the other on the shoulder blades.

The fight lasts exactly 5 minutes. If in the allotted time, none of the opponents won, that is, did not win a clear victory or scored at least three points, then the fight continues for another 3 minutes. The fight will continue until one of the athletes scores three or more points or scores a carcass (a clear victory). Continue reading


Bando is a martial art from Myanmar, the state of Burma, in which fighting with bare hands is practiced. Bando is considered a milder type of fistfight. The bando technique contains throws, steps, grabs, strangulations, as well as elbow, fists, head, feet and knees. There are three main types of bando: soft, medium, hard. Among aristocrats, “medium” and “soft” bando are very popular. The “soft” bando is practiced with an imaginary adversary according to a battle plan prepared in advance. In the case of the presence of an adversary, a “soft” bando means conducting a battle without contacting the adversary at all or in part. At its core, a soft bando is a formal exercise and resembles kata in karate.

The “average” bando is often practiced in the army. During the “middle” bando, contact of opponents is practiced for three minutes. This kind of bando is similar to sparring in karate, only in this case the fight does not stop if a point is counted if successful. In addition, the final decision is made only after the expiration of the full time allotted for the fight.

The “hard” version of the bando is better known as flyway or burmese boxing. Continue reading

<a href="" title="Easy Random Posts">Easy Random Posts</a>
Konten is a military equipment based on the approach and biomechanical analysis of tactics and…


Pankration is an ancient Olympic type of martial arts, revived in our time. Pankration entered…


The roots of this sport stretch from the not-so-distant 60-70s of the XX century. Homeland…
