Freestyle wrestling is a kind of martial arts of two athletes using various technical techniques,…

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Jiu-Jitsu is the name of a series of Japanese martial arts that includes techniques for…

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Karate - translated from Japanese literally means “empty hands” - this is the name of…

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Kicking in hand-to-hand combat

Currently, martial arts in the countries of the former USSR are on the rise. The criminal situation, the high level of street crime, the low efficiency of the work of law enforcement agencies and the indifference of random witnesses to the crime – all this greatly stimulates our compatriots to be able to protect themselves. High international sports results are added to the widespread mass in almost every form. International tournaments, widely covered by the media, have a significant impact on the technique of those involved.

From an applied point of view, martial arts focused on hard contact are most effective. In the countries of the former USSR boxing, kickboxing, Thai boxing, combat sambo are widespread, kudo, wushu sandu, army hand-to-hand fighting are quickly gaining popularity. At the same time, in all forms, there is a tendency towards a certain simplification of technique due to work with legs. Less and less often, one can see kicks not only in the head, but also in the body. The technique of working at long and medium Continue reading

What is a martial arts path?

In short, the Martial Arts Path is the process of turning an ordinary person into a warrior. And as Carlos Castaneda put it, “to become a warrior means to consciously develop a set of specific qualities and behavior corresponding to these qualities”. Mae Oyama said essentially the same thing, but in other words: “the path of martial arts comes down to finding the true meaning of life through military practice.”

The problem of the Path of martial arts is pretty confused by the fact that, discussing it, most often they talk about something else. For example, they begin to talk about the principles of “yin-yang”, about the five primitives and eight trigrams, or they quote Christian Fathers and Teachers of the Church. Both do not make Continue reading

Wushu sanda

Wushu Sanda is a Chinese martial art that has been known since antiquity. In many films, you can see the platforms on which athletes and masters of various types of martial arts of China fight. This traditional platform has remained at the competitions now.

Wushu Sanda is translated as “everything is allowed” or as “everything is allowed.” Sanda is a free contact duel. Thus, everything is allowed in this type of martial arts: striking technique with arms, legs, throws, creases, captures.

There is a professional and sporting look of Wushu Sanda. Professional Wushu Sanda is used as an army hand-to-hand combat of the Chinese armed forces. Meanwhile, even for this kind of competition. Continue reading

Wushu (Kung Fu)

Today it’s hard to find someone who has not heard at least once about what Wushu or Kung Fu are. Most people who heard this word immediately recall the famous action movies with nimble and invincible Chinese actors. But it turns out kung fu is not only a great art of combat.

If we literally translate the hieroglyphics from which the word “kung fu” is composed, then we get the following: “kung” is work, and “fu” is time. You can understand it this way – “work on yourself.” And this, first of all, tells us that Wushu (kung fu) is a whole way of life that has its own philosophy. It can also be understood as the ability to work on one’s personality, while being perfected endlessly and bringing any movement, feelings and thoughts to the highest degree of mastery.

Kung fu (in Chinese correctly sounds like gongfu) – is a synonym for the word “skill”, while it may be completely Continue reading


Fencing is a system of possession of hand cold steel, used during hand-to-hand combat, based on the developed technique of striking and repelling blows. In addition, this is the battle with the use of edged weapons, which can take place both in real conditions, and in sports, training, etc.

Combat fencing is based on the possession of melee weapons used in real combat conditions – a sword, sword, knife, etc. Fencing training was conducted even by soldiers and gladiators in ancient Rome. In ancient Greece, fencing was taught to children from an early age. During the Middle Ages, the art of fencing was one of the main in the training of a nobleman. Initially, fencing on swords used shields, and then daggers. Now, in our time, fencing from martial art has turned into a sporting event.

Fencing can be divided into several groups according to their field of application. This is combat fencing, designed to prepare a warrior for real battles, sports fencing, which can include para-Olympic wheelchair Continue reading

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Taekwondo is a martial art that came to us from Korea. There are several types…


Viet Vo Dao
Viet Vo Dao is a system of traditional Vietnamese martial arts, which includes the knowledge…


Taekkyon as well as taekwondo is a traditional form of martial art in Korea. In…
