Krav Maga
Krav Maga is an Israeli military hand-to-hand combat system designed specifically to quickly eliminate the…

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Kicking in hand-to-hand combat
Currently, martial arts in the countries of the former USSR are on the rise. The…

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Wing Chun
Wing Chun is a Wushu school in China that uses a wide variety of combat…

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Ashihara-karate uses scientific logic based on natural rationalism and the elimination of all unnecessary things. Traditional karate focuses on a specific technique or solely on strength. Today in society, the “real” form of karate is more necessary, where speed, strength, wit and strategy are combined.
Ashihara-karate is also trying to create a special development environment for its students. If this goal is achieved, then each student has a place where he can train and improve his level.
The style of Ashihara-karate fulfilled this requirement and continues to improve the conditions, trying to bring them closer to real life, that is, to create a “true battlefield.” In a few words, this is the most realistic style of karate. It is important to teach a person to avoid enemy attacks, and, conversely, to manage and even Continue reading


Fencing is a system of possession of hand cold steel, used during hand-to-hand combat, based on the developed technique of striking and repelling blows. In addition, this is the battle with the use of edged weapons, which can take place both in real conditions, and in sports, training, etc.

Combat fencing is based on the possession of melee weapons used in real combat conditions – a sword, sword, knife, etc. Fencing training was conducted even by soldiers and gladiators in ancient Rome. In ancient Greece, fencing was taught to children from an early age. During the Middle Ages, the art of fencing was one of the main in the training of a nobleman. Initially, fencing on swords used shields, and then daggers. Now, in our time, fencing from martial art has turned into a sporting event.

Fencing can be divided into several groups according to their field of application. This is combat fencing, designed to prepare a warrior for real battles, sports fencing, which can include para-Olympic wheelchair Continue reading


Taijiquan – literally means “fist of the Great Reach.” This is the internal martial art of China, which is considered a type of Wushu. This martial art is very popular as a gymnastics for healing, however, the component “chuan” (fist) suggests that Taijiquan, after all, is a martial art.

The emergence of martial arts
Two opposing theories about the origin of Taijiquan are known. The first, official theory, suggests that this martial art began to exist and continued to develop within the same family – Chen, who since the 14th century has been constantly living in the village of Chenjiagou, Henan province in northern China. This art of combat, according to the same legend, was founded in the 17th century by a man named Chen Wanting, who began to transmit the tradition from generation to generation. Continue reading

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Kuresh is a traditional sports struggle of the Turkic peoples, which is carried out as…


Bando is a martial art from Myanmar, the state of Burma, in which fighting with…


Why engage in hand-to-hand combat
It's no secret that each of us wants to have iron health, a beautiful athletic…
